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From Dummy to Doctor

A testimony of tragedy, trial and triumph

To say that Eric Waugh made some dumb decisions early in his life is a drastic understatement. Involved in a teenage prank that turned tragic and claimed the life of someone, Eric was sentenced to life in prison at the age of sixteen. In less than two years after being sentenced, he was miraculously released on an educational reprieve and sent to a private college prep school to earn his high school diploma with plans to attend college to become a lawyer. Unfortunately, education is no remedy for stupidity. Instead of becoming a lawyer, he would need one . . . again.

A drunken decision during Spring Break resulted in his reprieve being rescinded and his return to confinement. However, this time even more miraculously, he received a full pardon. It was this removal of guilt that gave him a freedom, focus, and direction that prison could not take and parole couldn’t give. The path would lead to him earning his Ph. D, authoring numerous books, and proclaiming a message that didn’t give him a new leaf, but a new life.

This story is captivating, compelling, convicting, and convincing. If you don’t read it in one sitting, you will in two.

The Christian’s Adversary

A treatise on the person and work of the devil

 This book is the Christian’s guide to understanding his/her ultimate adversary, the Devil. It gives an exhaustive treatment to the Devil’s downfall, description, desire, demons, domain, dominion, devices, and destruction. The Devil is the Christians life-long adversary. A biblical understanding of him is essential for the Christian to fight the good fight of faith until the Lord wins the war. All Christians know of the Devil, but many do not know him.

This treatise primarily focuses on the person and work of the Devil as it relates to the Christian to give the saint understanding of Satan’s motives, methods, and the means through which he attempts to sift God’s children.

Among other things, the Devil’s downfall is examined; his biblical description is revealed; his deceit in counterfeiting the things of God is unveiled; his devices are exposed; and how the Christian can effectively defeat him in his daily life is explained.

Sermons from a Cell

But drawn from a well

The sermons contained in this book were penned from a prison cell. For many people that will be reason enough alone not to read it. Be that as it may, for those who know that God can and will use little people to do big things the content herein is worth considering.

The Bible record sets forth a number of men who God used from within a prison. His methodology and approach to accomplishing His work in the world has not changed. He still uses who He wants, where He wants, when He wants, and how He wants regardless of how that individual may be perceived or esteemed.

The gifts and calling of God are without repentance and the fact that those sometimes end up exercised in unfortunate circumstances in no way diminishes from them. The gift and the call are the same. The plain, practical preaching set forth in these pages has insight from a man, who although was confined to a prison, was free and in close fellowship with God and what was put forth from his pen evidences where he was really seated when he wrote it (Ephesians 2:6).